
  • Party County Chair | Cathy Collier

    Club President | Charlotte Freeborn

  • Precinct 1 Captain | Jerry Vaclav –

    Precinct 2 Chair | Graham Nessler –

    Precinct 3 Chair | Martha Zeiher –

    Precinct 4 Chair | Sue Bentch –

    Precinct 5 Chair | Andrea Brightwell–

    Precinct 6 Chair |

    Precinct 7 Chair | Paula Ahrendt –

    Precinct 8/9 Captain | Holly Simonette

    Precinct 10 Chair | Lee Wilson –

    Precinct 12 Chair | Deborah Hill Russell –

    Precinct 13 Chair | Leslie Starr Hart –

    Precinct 15 Chair | Carlos Reyes -

Visit Us

209 N. Crockett, Suite 1
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624


Mondays 3pm-6pm

Wednesdays 3pm-6pm

Saturdays | 10am - 1pm




Our Mission

1.  To revive and stimulate interest in the Democratic Party at the grass-roots level across Gillespie County in order to maximize the voter potential of Democrats.

2.  To attract new members to the Democratic Party.

3. To serve as a device to train, inform and keep active Gillespie County Democrats.

4. To encourage and, when possible, train individuals to become qualified to seek positions in the County Democratic Party.

5.  To encourage participation in all election precincts in Gillespie County.  To recruit Democrats to work and make Gillespie County Democratic efforts as effective as possible.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

-Martin Luther King Jr.